Natural Childbirth

Walker's Birth Story

Walker's Daddy's Story ~
Walker is eleven and a half weeks old as I write this... And I just wanted to share some thoughts about our process and how grateful we were that God led us to you.
When Christy stated she had found a midwife in Tulsa and liked what she saw, my first thought… “Ugh… We will have to drive from Oklahoma City to Tulsa how many times?” But after Christy told me more about you, I thought, “Well at least let’s talk to her.”
I remember our first meeting. I think Christy and I felt the same peace. I knew when we left that you were the one to deliver Walker into our lives. You will also never know how grateful we are to you for giving us a discount and being patient with us about getting paid.

During the course of our appointments there were times when Christy would be worried, scared or upset, and you were there to pray for her, hold her, brush her hair back with your hand or just give her a reassuring hug. Then you would explain why or why not the concern was valid and in doing so making Christy feel more at ease.
You explained so much more than we were told with our first pregnancy. You helped me better understand several details of the birth plan and process. The day that Walker was born was so different than the day our first son, Coleman, was born.
When your apprentice, Cathy, arrived, she was so calm and sweet and caring. Your other apprentice, Elizabeth, reassured me all day how things were going fine and that Christy and I were both doing really well.
I remember that when you arrived with your midwife friend, Mary, you were just so calm and caring and prepared.
Nothing at all seemed to frazzle you. You allowed Christy to follow her birth plan, and for that I will be eternally grateful! You listened to her, you gave suggestions, you didn’t ‘make’ her do anything without first explaining the reason.
Even as I have looked back at photos from Walker’s birth, when I see you looking at my wife, there is genuine care and concern. You are not just a “baby catcher”, you were what we needed for a very healing birth.
I know I was getting a little more nervous at the end of when Christy was pushing and I could sense that something might be ‘not quite right’.
Even as I sat next to Christy and cried out to God to breathe into my son’s lungs, you and your staff did your jobs, and did them perfectly.

While I was praying, I heard Walker began to cry as you and your team worked to get him going, calmly communicating to each other, charting everything as it happened and performing as the well oiled machine that you are.
As I write this, I see my two sons playing on the floor together. I will be forever grateful to you for all you did for my family. Thank you for listening, caring and loving. Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus! You are truly doing what God has called and gifted you to do!
“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God” Phillippians 1:3
~ A Grateful Daddy, Mark Thompson
Walker's Mama's Story ~
I’m not sure where to start to tell you how much you mean to me and how much respect I have for you. The care you gave me through my entire pregnancy was amazing. I love how you always made me feel like a real person, an important person, and an important mom. I wasn’t just a name or number. I wasn’t an overweight liability with thyroid problems that you wanted to transfer. I was important to you. Walker was important to you, and that showed.
Thank you for listening to me. Thank you for respecting me. Thank you for being willing to help me work through my fears and setbacks from my previous birth. You saw a real person with real feelings who was completely stressed out! You loved me and comforted me.

When I was in labor and scared, you sat there on the end of my bed and talked to me about how God promises us that He has plans to prosper us and not to harm us. It was totally my “ah ha” moment in my labor. Part of me wanted to argue and say how my previous birth WAS harmful, but I had to let that go. The next day I had Mark look that verse up for me so I knew where it was and could read it.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord; “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This is a verse I will never forget. I’ll never forget your compassion when you said that to me.
You and the girls were so respectful of my birth plan. You made sure I was always covered, that Walker didn’t have a hat on on until I’d had a chance to just hold him and love him and smell him. You didn’t check me which was a HUGE relief! I was able to labor, to listen to my body and trust myself that I COULD do this. I DID know how to birth a baby! Thank you for that. Thank you for giving me that trust back in myself.
I love seeing God’s hand in Walker’s birth. I was so set on the fact that I wanted a water birth, but I love the fact I can lay in my bed and remember pushing him out right there in my room (and I have the carpet stain to prove it! Ba ha ha!).
I prayed my entire pregnancy that Walker wouldn’t be as big as Coleman, but after I had him and they were the exact same size, I think it was kind of like a gift from God really. Almost like a sign that I could really do it. I was capable and my body was capable.
~ Love, Christy