Natural Childbirth
MEET TCHALA ~ Office Manager

Aspiring writer and Shavasana expert!
It's easy...I can show you.
But, if you've got that covered, I co-ordinate and facilitate all the things, including:
Billing/ Insurance
Medical Records
& More!
I work with Born To Be Loved as the Office Manager. I can pretty much answer whatever questions you have - and if I don't know the answer I will find it out! I am happy to help facilitate whatever you're needing in the moment.
I came to the States to the lovely little town of Santa Cruz, CA at age 13. Born overseas via Midwife with an international hippie mom, we learned a love of nature, and all of the wonderful uses to us. I've always pursued positions where such knowledge is valued, used, and respected. It is an honor to work with Faith and Team, and I enjoy being of service to existing and future clients.