Natural Childbirth

Iliana's Birth Story

Lucas' Waterbirth Story
“Since day one Iliana has always been on a quest for life. Always laughing and smiling. Teasing her brothers constantly. After my quickest labor of 3 hours, and in a water birth pool, my husband got to catch her. I’m so grateful for my homebirth and the freedom it gave me to bond as a family without leaving the comfort of my own home.
I am forever grateful for everything you have done. You and @belledemoss were the best midwives I could of ever dreamed of. You didn’t see a person of color, or language barriers, but saw my family as people to be served in the journey.
You gave my husband the gift of being present and being active in my care instead of being shoved in a corner by medical staff. It’s the birth I had always dreamed of but never hoped to obtain.
@chelsea.coffman I am forever grateful to have one of my best friends as a doula. I still remember your panic as you walked into the room as my water broke and you saying “hold that baby in - the midwife is almost here” !!
Every day I look at Iliana I am reminded of all you have given us. Homebirth should be the norm and not the exception. Praise be to God of the Universe who blessed me with a healthy birth and beautiful daughter. The Almighty Giver and Sustainer of Life.”